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Romance By Paradisus - Powered by Honeymoon Wishes
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If you CAN'T make it


Someone once told me “you find the best things in life when you’re not even looking’’ that statement couldn’t have been truer when it came to Lauren and I. I was living life and loving it. Not a worry in the world, I did what I wanted, went wherever I wanted, and had no one to answer to. I was unaware that the best part of my life hadn’t been found yet and it was still yet to come.


For those of you expecting a fairy tale love at first site story our story couldn’t have been further off. In the summer of 2011 I met a girl named Lauren for the first time, but I had no clue how big a part of my life she would become. I was working in Baton Rouge and she had just started as a Physical Therapy tech preparing for her application process into PT school. We said hello as I introduced myself and made small talk for a minute and then went our separate ways. Over the next few weeks we began to talk more and developed a friendship. I remember thinking she was cute and we really seemed to click with common interest and hobbies. Using my ever so clever moves I got her number by asking her to come play a co-ed softball tournament. Let me just throw out it was not her softball skills on the field that stole my heart haha.


We continued to develop a friendship at work and one thing just kind of led to another. So finally after some small talk between text and some flirting here and there we went on our first date which included sushi and a few drinks. We had a great time and I began to realize maybe just maybe I had feelings for this girl. A few weeks later I introduced her to my friends and took her to the fair. Now I’m pretty sure this is where I stole her heart when I won her a giant stuffed Jamaican banana at one of the booths haha. Later that night we walked around holding hands and shared fair food like two school kids that had crushes on one another.


It was soon after we began going on dates Lauren found out she had been accepted to Columbia University. She would be there for two and a half years getting her doctorate degree. The question soon being asked by everyone was well what’s going to happen between you two. In which we replied we are going to hang out until she leaves then we will go our separate ways. Haha to think it was going to be that easy to get rid of her (I’m just kidding). We spent these next few months grower closer and closer and it soon went from “We will go our separate ways” to “ will just see what happens” to “ well we can give this long distance thing a try”. We took a trip to Mexico in July before she left we laid on the beach and made promises to one another we would make this work.


One special day that sticks out in my mind and I guess I should share is the day I knew I was in love with Lauren and wanted to share my life with her. I knew Lauren nearly a year before I told her I loved her, I knew I cared deeply about her but this one night it just came to me. This is the part for all of you that enjoy the mushy lovey dovey stuff haha. It was Laurens graduation from LSU. She and her sister were having a party to celebrate, it was a night of dancing, drinking, and having fun with friends. I remember in the middle of the night looking across at Lauren with her head back in laughter and that beautiful smile on her face and thinking, I’m in love with this girl and I never want to let her go. It was later that night I told her I loved her for the first time and judging by the smile on her face and the swift reply I think she felt the same way.


So the time finally came for her to leave for New York. I remember the tears rolling down her face and holding her tight as I told her everything was going to be ok. We were both scared of what was to come and what the future would bring. We embraced for the challenge but had no idea the effort it would take to make it. Now for those of you that have never done long distance let me give you a piece of advice. DON’T EVER TRY IT!! No but seriously don’t, it was one of the hardest things we have ever endured as a couple yet somehow we survived it. They should give medals out for stuff like that haha. Though I’ve been told since we made it through that, marriage should be a breeze. But we can now look back and enjoy the memories we made on the trips to New York and the experiences we shared to make it through.


So here we stand today, those two and a half years looking back now seemed to fly by. We are stronger and happier than we ever wished we could be. I finally asked Lauren to marry me and well I’m guessing you all know by now she said yes!!! We look forward to writing the next chapter of our lives together and hope you can all join us in Dominican Republic to do so. So for those of you that were expecting a fairy tale beginning sorry to of let you down, but just know we plan on having a fairy tale ending!